Treatment of age spots by Dr. David Metz (57)



Pigment lasers are used to treat congenital dark spots such as ‘café au lait spots’, age spots and sun damage.


These Q Switched, 755nm Alexandrite or 532nm Yag lasers will break up and fragment the pigment in the brown spots without burning the skin and therefore prevent scarring. Thin scabs will then form but disappear within a few days, along with the spots. The fragmented pigment is then broken down and ‘digested’ by immune cells.

What should I expect from my first session?

For treatment to be effective your skin must not be tanned.


During a prior consultation, we will decide on which laser to use depending on the colour and thickness of your brown spots and your skin type. Very often one session is enough to achieve magical results, especially if the spots are very dark.


During the laser treatment you will hear the pigment crack as it fragments. A session for treating the hands lasts around ten minutes. We will apply a soothing healing cream.

And after treatment?

The treated spots will become darker and grey. The scabs will fall off within 4 to 10 days. The skin heals fastest on the face but more slowly on the hands where the scabs leave small pink or purplish marks that will linger a few weeks. It is advisable to wear gloves for housework to protect the scabs, which will fall off naturally.


You should apply sunscreen for six weeks after treatment.


If the spots are fairly light a second session may be necessary.

Is it painful?

You may experience a prickling or burning sensation but the area to be treated will be anaesthetized by applying a cream.

How long will the results last?

Treatment to remove dark spots can last several years. However, new spots will appear with time and sun exposure.

What contraindications are there?

You must avoid tanning before treatment. Hypopigmentation (lighter skin) or hyperpigmentation (darker skin) may occur if you expose your skin to the sun.


Q-Switched laser treatment is not used to remove a naevus (mole) as this would simply remove the colour and make it impossible to monitor the mole to determine whether it is malignant (melanoma). This type of error can be avoided by having a dermatologist monitor and treat dark spots.


This treatment is usually unsuitable for a melasma as the laser may actually stimulate pigmentation. Few melasmas actually benefit from laser treatment and they are usually treated by applying topical depigmentation creams and specific peels.

How much does treatment cost?

From €95 incl. VAT.

Treatment of age spots by Dr. David Metz (57)